This is the official website of SWADESHI JAGRAN MANCH (founded 1867)
An initiative of Hindu Samaj of India.
Defending Hinduism, Hindustan and its people since 1850
SWADESHI JAGRAN MANCH - Member News Update no. 2022-k-00279 dt. 05 Nov, 2022. SJM protests the illegal blocking of Indian domain name by FBI and US court order

The Co-Convenors of Swadeshi Jagran Manch have formally protested to the Union Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, objecting to the illegal seizure of Indian domain name by the USA Federal Bureau of Investigation after hacking the USA based DNS servers of the DOT IN registry which is privately run by the NIXI since 2004, albeit without the mandatory gazette ntification in this behalf having been published.
The Co-Convenors of Swadeshi Jagran Manch have formally protested that the MEITY and NIXI have illegally allowed the FBI to unilaterally change the DNS server details, and that too merely on the strength of an email copy of order from a District Judge of New York who has no jurisdiction in India. This is a blatant compromise of India's sovereignity and so SJM has demanded that NIXI be stripped of the running the DOT IN Registry. SJM has objected that each and every DOT IN domain name is now at risk if such illegal actions are allowed whereby the Govt of India meekly kowtows to USA to cede over India's sovereignity to foreigners.

Lt.Col. (Retd.) S.S.Thapa is the Co-convenor of the SWADESHI JAGRAN MANCH since Dec. 2021. A veteran of the Indian peace keeping force (IPKF) as also the Kargil war, Col. Thapa is a patriot of the highest degree, and well attuned to the field requirements of supplies for our fighting forces.

Professor J.P Sinha is also the Co-Convenor of the SWADESHI JAGRAN MANCH since Dec. 2021. Prof. Sinha has many books on Economics and History of India in the 19th and 20th centuries which led to wholesale exploitation of India's wealth to finance empires of England and Indian Maharajas.